District 1 Leagues may host Post Season Tournament Play typically beginning the weekend after Memorial Day. Leagues must
submit a Little League Special Games request to host tournaments. All post season
tournaments will use regular season rules. District 1 will assign teams to participate in tournaments. Below is a listing of possible tournaments, based on those available in past years:
Tournament of Champions (TOC) may be offered for Majors Baseball & Softball for top finishing teams of each league
in District 1. Teenage divisions may offer TOC if host league and interest is present.
Invitational Tournaments may be hosted for AAA Baseball & Softball divisions and above. Participation is open to
all teams which are not participating in the division's TOC. District 1 will offer slots in these tournaments to leagues once confirmation from host leagues is received.
JKA Tournament. Hosted by Everett
Little League for Major Baseball teams.
Marge Sweet Wood Bat Memorial Tournament. Hosted by Alderwood Little League featuring wood bat play for
Major Baseball teams. Tournament played in honor The Lady Ump, Marge Sweet.
Strawberry Tournament. Hosted
by Marysville Little League for Major Baseball teams at Cedar Field.
Minors Invitationals. AAA Baseball hosted by Mill Creek Little League and AAA Softball hosted by Sky Valley Little League.
More information will be provided on this page after leagues confirm they are hosting this season and what the dates and format of the tournaments will be.